Головна » 2021 » Февраль » 11 » Material Pope Thesis
Material Pope Thesis

I disagree with Bishop Donald Sanborn's "Material Pope Thesis" (a modified version of the "Thesis of Cassiciacum"). However, mentioning certain persons does not mean attacking them. I name some adherents of the "Thesis" so that readers can see the sources to which I refer and my comments on them.

If you carefully read the articles by proponents of the "Thesis of Cassiciacum" and you know the Recognize & Resist doctrine, then you cannot come to any other conclusion except that the "Thesis" is a modified and sophisticated R&R doctrine.

The "Thesis" is a sophistic paraphrase of the Recognize & Resist ideology.

The "Thesis" says that Legally elected by Valid conclave heretical "pope-elect" immediately by acceptation of the election becomes "material pope", occupies De Facto Legally the Throne of St. Peter and enjoys "supplied jurisdiction" given to him by Christ.

The "Thesis" does not explain how the "material pope" is not the Pope, but how the "material pope" IS the Pope who has "supplying jurisdiction" "which Christ directly grants to him for those acts which are absolutely necessary for the Church to continue existing and functioning", and this is false.

Also, I want to emphasize that I am not conducting a "war, divisive polemic" with them (as some wrongly say). I am simply presenting my vision of the "Thesis" with the eyes of a "man from the east". Having been a Catholic priest for more than thirty years, I not only have the right, but also the duty to say something on this topic. Although I believe that my position is logically and theologically argued, I in no way claim to be infallible.

Bishop Sanborn's 'Conditional Baptism Apostolate'

Savors of Heresy or Heresy?

Victor III and the Thesis. A Tale by Fr. Desposito

“The Thesis of Cassiciacum” and "Lefebvrism"

A Theological Error or Savors of Heresy?

"Material pope" or Barbarian Conqueror

Faith or Election: Which Comes First?

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. Fourth Part.

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. Third Part.

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. Second Part.

Comments on the Material Pope Thesis. First Part.

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