No man or woman has the right to terminate the development of the conceived child, which has been created by God and belongs to God. It would violate the supreme right of the Creator. Consequently abortion is intrinsically evil, and may be permitted under no circumstance... |
There are the conflicting laws enacted by the two powers in the case we are talking about: the Divine Law prohibiting killing vs the civil law allowing killing. Hence it is clear, that the condemnation of Pope Pius IX falls upon those who say that the civil law permitting murder prevails and that it is permitted for Catholics to take part by voting in the promotion of a "less evil" law in order "to save more children" by "killing less children''... |
Since Bishop Sanborn himself speaks publicly about his "Conditional Baptism Apostolate", then anyone can speak about that as well, and I will also comment on. I will try to comment as little as possible on my own, but I will rather focus on the teaching of the Catholic authors about the practical aspects of the Sacrament of Baptism... |
Preaching an entirely new concept of the Church of Christ as a society in which wolves in sheep's clothing give life to sheep and ensure indefectibility of the sheepfold and continuity of the flock seems like an attempt to form in the minds of the faithful an image of the anti-church with its new religion... |
The case of Pope Victor III refutes the 'Material Pope Thesis' as a new, non-Catholic, false idea... |
1. The "una cum" issue. 2. Mr. Heiner’s criticism of CMRI deals with matrimonial cases. 3. The jurisdiction of Bishop Mark Pivarunas.... |
The goal of priestly education is not to make a narcissistic professor out of a seminarian, but to form a humble priest, who is ready to live and to work among men as the ambassador of Christ and to carry on Christ's work for the salvation of souls... |
The purpose of avoiding offspring would not per se exclude marriage... |
My episcopal consecration is scheduled to take place at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, May 18th, by the Most Rev. Rodrigo da Silva... |
The fact that he died on the feast of OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL may indicate that his death occurred precisely at the time that was pleasing to God... |
Latin Rite Catholics rejoice at the Resurrection of Christ, while Byzantine Rite Catholics are sorrowful because of Passion of Christ. Is that strange? Rather, it is double sorrow and double joy... |
There is practically no essential difference between “The Thesis of Cassiciacum” and "Lefebvrism". The only difference is which a sieve the propagators of the „Thesis” and „Lefebvrists” use to “sift the Novus Ordo for Catholicism” |
The "Thesis" proposes to achieve the good end, restoration of the Papacy, by means of the evil act, election of a public heretic by public heretics... |
WHEN instituting the Feast of the Kingship of Christ, Pope Pius XI insisted upon the duty of Catholics to combat bravely for the Rights of God by proclaiming Christ's Kingship over States and Nations.... |
The use of telephone for giving absolution is extra casum necessitatis a grave sin because it introduces into the administration of the Sacraments a practice which is novel and liable to misuse... |
Confession by telephone is not required even in extreme necessity...because the very words, "I absolve thee" imply the presence of the penitent... |
The fact that St. Hyacinth founded a monastery of the Latin Rite in Kiev, where he celebrated the Holy Mass without hindrance, testifies to the fact that the church in Kievan Rus was in unity with the Apostolic See... |
Sometimes priests are accused of the sin of violation of the Seal of Confession. However, very often these accusations are baseless... |
Our Lord neither imposes a penalty on “non-eunuchs” nor does He say that they have no faith. Jesus Christ, the High Priest, treats all His priests equally; priests living in celibacy and married priests form the same Institution, Christ’s Priesthood... |
A real pope's decree laid down the same principle which the canonists quoted above said was divine law: a heretic cannot be validly elected pope...
Що не змінилось: Божа любов і Божа обіцянка допомогти кожній людині, яка до Нього звертається з вірою, надією і любов’ю... |
Just as Christ - prior to His promise - knew that Peter was capable of being the Pillar of the Faith, so the electors must know that a candidate whom they elect, is capable of being the Pillar of the Faith as well... |
Vatican II "material popes" have no ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Vatican II phony cardinals have no jurisdiction, they cannot be the electors... |
The Novus Ordo 'hierarchy' has nothing to do with the Catholic Hierarchy. The material succession of the Vatican II 'popes' takes place outside the Catholic Church... |
While the Material Pope Thesis was intended to convince Traditional Catholics that the Novus Ordo hierarchy constitute the Catholic hierarchy materially, my comments are intended to show the fallacy of this thesis... |
Если Святой Престол вакантен, священник не говорит una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N; если Епископский престол вакантен, он не говорит et antistite nostro N, то есть, священник должен быть "седевакантистом"... |
If the Holy See is vacant, a priest does not say Papa nostro; if the Episcopal See is vacant he does not say Antistite nostro... |
Since Divine Law prevents a public heretic from being validly elected, the “Material Pope Thesis” is therefore false and useless... |
Since Divine Law prevents a public heretic from being validly elected, the “Material Pope Thesis” is therefore false and useless... |
Fictitious civil divorces and remarriages are also prohibited for Catholics because they are fraudulent in nature and provoke one or both parties to commit mortal sin... |
Maryjne fragmenty Boskiej Liturgii św. Jana Chryzostoma ... |
о. Антоній Чікада мирно помер в п'ятницю 11 вересня 2020 року, на Свято Усікновіння Глави Св. Іоанна Хрестителя, у Візантійському обряді ... |
о. Антоний Чикада преставился в праздник УСЕКНОВЕНИЯ ГЛАВЫ СВ. ИОАННА КРЕСТИТЕЛЯ в Византийском обряде ... |
Fr. Anthony Cekada Died Very Peacefully on September 11th, 2020 ... |
The Marian excerpts from the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom ... |
In St. John 10, 16 Our Lord speaks about the Jewish people and the Gentile people whom He meant to call into One Fold, His Church ... |
It is a matter of history that the most disastrous periods for the Church were times when the Papal throne was vacant, or when anti-popes contended with the legitimate head of the Church. Thus also shall it be in those evil days to come ... |
Согласно Католической доктрине о Вере и Нравственности, вера во сны является суеверием. Это один из грехов против Первой Заповеди... |
According to the Catholic Doctrine of Faith and Morals, believing in dreams is superstition. It is one of the sins against the First Commandment ... |
На Благовещение у отца Чикады случился еще один инсульт, кажется, более серьезный, чем предыдущий ... |
While most people around the world are trembling in horror, fearing to become infected with a virus ... |
In the physical absence of a Pope the connection with his authority does not get broken ... |
The answer is - God is always just ... |
The Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was instituted by God Himself ... |
Heart of Mary, Mother of God, our Mother; Heart Most Amiable ... |
Only in 1262 A.D. the name of Jesus had been added by Pope Urban IV to the words of St. Elizabeth, "blessed is the fruit of thy womb" ... |
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not bestow upon St. Peter the power to make laws on Earth which are then automatically considered to be approved in Heaven ... |
The Church in unity with Pope Pius IX encourages both priests and laity to be faithful to the Holy Mass ... |
Almighty God, who is the common Father of all ... |
When the Vatican II brought forth its "fruits", these aged “fighters” became redundant ... |