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St. Patrick's Easter Fire & St. Joseph soul

St. Patrick's Easter Fire & St. Joseph soul

Bp. Daniel Dolan:

You may be without the Holy Mass these days. It could be a hidden blessing, this chastisement. Never take it for granted again. Now, offer the August Victim to the Father as the perfect prayer of propitiation, in union with all True Masses, with tears of devotion.
2:42 PM - 20 March, 2020

Those who understand what’s happening today are understandably frustrated, angry. How dare they? Why can’t the others see? But “the anger of man worketh not the justice of God “ who punishes us now in His Mercy. Humble yourself, cry out for it, beg for relief.
2:38 PM - 20 March, 2020

Are you wearied with all the woe and worry of a week not yet done? He was wearied too, and thirsty that Friday, sat at the well at Noon. Mysteries begin. Holy Week approaches. Courage, draw near. You be the one to give Him to drink of your hearts contrition, your tears.
2:34 PM - 20 March, 2020

Honor good St Joseph, and let him help you by imitating him. Once you have today’s madness figured out, and the information you need, turn it off, turn away and be a quiet St Joseph soul. Alternate work and prayer in the company of Jesus and Mary. How much better you’ll feel!
2:32 PM - 19 March, 2020

The first great world wide hoax was the taking away of the pope, then the Church, next the Mass. Today’s crisis is yet another test, a curious kind of the Mark of the Beast. “Whom resist ye, steadfast in the Faith.”

Fr. Stephen McKenna:

While the world looks for salvation by sheltering in place, we had a Solemn High Mass to honor the great saint who brought salvation to Ireland while almost never having any shelter at all, St. Patrick.

12:38 PM - 18 March, 2020


Bp. Daniel Dolan:

We had a fine Solemn Mass for St Patrick, the three Sacred Ministers like Irish angels vested in shining damask with green orphreys, the choir delighting Heaven and earth with enchanting melodies, both in Latin and English. What relief, what rest, what joy. Never more needed.
3:27 AM - 18 March, 2020

St Patrick dared to resist the state imposed, under pain of death, prohibition, and lit his own Easter Fire in opposition to the pagan Beltane. He survived, the Faith spread and thrived and the Druidic hoax of state paganism died. Some are beginning to see it. Light the fire.
3:21 AM - 18 March, 2020

In today’s Gospel, Our Lord gets into trouble by confounding the expectations of his fellow countrymen. People are pretty touchy about expecting God to behave as they think He should. Pagan Naaman would have stayed a leper had he not finally, what? Just obeyed God’s Prophet.
3:55 AM - 17 March, 2020

Origin: Twitter: Bp. Daniel Dolan

Категорія: Статті Єпископа Данієла Долана | Додав: (20.03.2020)
Переглядів: 644